April 8, 2024

One efficient solution to Circular Buffer (and two others): Week 8 of 48 in 24

It’s been a while, but we’re back for week 8. This week’s challenge is to write a Circular Buffer. It’s basically a first in, first out data structure with the limitation that there’s only $n$ slots for data. It took me a while to get around to this because of having to do a bunch more elixir learning track exercises, and also because I’ve been on holiday. The selection of languages available for this exercise were kind of limited, so I’ve had to branch out into using web assembly for this one. Read more

February 15, 2024

Javascript crimes: Week 4 of 48 in 24

I’m now well over a week behind with these challenges, so it’s Thursday of week 5, but we’re just finishing up week 4. Part of the issue is I’m quite bust, but part of the issue is that I am trying to use this as an opportunity to learn elixir, and I’m doing the elixir learning track. This means that the exercises are locked until I do the relevant learning exercises that teach the concepts. Read more

February 2, 2024

Haskellbrain: Week 3 of 48 in 24

Well, I’m quite late with this week’s challenges. Again, I was only going for the silver medal of doing any three languages, but I didn’t have a lot of time to spare for the challenges last week, and I also spent more time than I should have tweaking my haskell solution in particular. This week’s exercise is fizzbuzz, but slightly different. JavaScript First up, here’s my javascript solution. export const convert = (num) => { let s = [[3, "Pling"], [5,"Plang"], [7,"Plong"]] . Read more

January 27, 2024

Indiana Jonesing: Week 2 of 48 in 24

This week’s challenge was to reverse a string. And I took the “Indiana Jones when that guy waves the sword around and Indy just shoots him” approach this week and got the silver medal using three languages that make this exercise a one-liner. Clojure First up, Clojure: (ns reverse-string) (defn reverse-string [s] ;; <- arglist goes here (clojure.string/reverse s) ) Haskell Next Haskell: module ReverseString (reverseString) where reverseString :: String -> String reverseString str = reverse str JavaScript And finally, Javascript. Read more

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