March 11, 2024

Three Genuinely Different Solutions: Week 7 of 48 in 24

Week 7 sees us take on the challenge of turning a string into an acronym. If we’re being picky, these are mostly initialisms rather than acronyms because they don’t spell a word. And in a break with tradition, I actually took three fairly different approaches to solving this problem in the three languages I tried. In fact, I also tried doing this exercise in PowerShell (because I had ambitions to go for the gold medal of doing Haskell, PowerShell and TCL). Read more

March 8, 2024

Bashing my head against a wall: Week 6 of 48 in 24

This week’s1 challenge was List Ops: create methods for manipulating lists like map, filter and reduce (well, foldr and foldl). I found this exercise frustrating in different languages in different ways. I used bash, elixir and haskell. In elixir and haskell, the frustration was that the exercise required me to return the standard list objects. I think it would have been more fun and more interesting to actually create a new list type and implement the methods there. Read more

February 23, 2024

Haskellbrain Harder: Week 5 of 48 in 24

Week 5 of 48 in 24! This time around we’re doing Protein Translation. Basically, take a sequence of amino acids and translate that into a list of proteins. Each triple of amino acids – a codon – gets mapped to a protein. Or rather, some codons are valid proteins, some represent a “stop” signal, and others are garbage and should throw an error. Bash The first language I thought I’d try this week is bash. Read more

February 15, 2024

Javascript crimes: Week 4 of 48 in 24

I’m now well over a week behind with these challenges, so it’s Thursday of week 5, but we’re just finishing up week 4. Part of the issue is I’m quite bust, but part of the issue is that I am trying to use this as an opportunity to learn elixir, and I’m doing the elixir learning track. This means that the exercises are locked until I do the relevant learning exercises that teach the concepts. Read more

February 2, 2024

Haskellbrain: Week 3 of 48 in 24

Well, I’m quite late with this week’s challenges. Again, I was only going for the silver medal of doing any three languages, but I didn’t have a lot of time to spare for the challenges last week, and I also spent more time than I should have tweaking my haskell solution in particular. This week’s exercise is fizzbuzz, but slightly different. JavaScript First up, here’s my javascript solution. export const convert = (num) => { let s = [[3, "Pling"], [5,"Plang"], [7,"Plong"]] . Read more

© Seamus Bradley 2021–3

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