August 14, 2022

DIY Password Manager

The problem of coming up with a good password is finding something memorable enough that you will remember it, but not so obvious that it’s guessable. A password manager essentially makes sure that your passwords are not guessable, but it also makes them impossible for you to remember them, so you have to outsource remembering your passwords to a database on your computer or in the cloud (i.e. on someone else’s computer). Read more

April 18, 2022

How Predictable Is Football?

A question that has been rattling around my brain for a while now is this: how useful is “form” in predicting the outcome of football matches? That is, how useful is it to know that a team’s record in their last 5 matches is WWLDD, for example? So I thought I’d explore this as a way to learn a bit more about Python’s statistics and data science libraries. The code used to do this analysis and generate these graphs is available on github. Read more

January 31, 2022

Wordle Solvers

Following on from a previous post, I wanted to explore what effect various kinds of strategies for solving Wordle have on how quickly you solve it. So I implemented Wordle in python, and then spent a while trying to find a good word list to use as a basis. Now, I know that you can inspect the Wordle page itself and find the list of words it uses for validating real words and the list of wordle answers, but I don’t want to use that list, so I made my own. Read more

January 5, 2022

Wordle Letter Counts

In response to some discussion on twitter, I dug into how common different letters are at different positions in a word. Since the discussion was prompted by the popular word game Wordle the focus was on five letter words. My approach was to download a word list from the first google hit for word list download, and then throw python’s Counter module at it. from collections import Counter # Download a wordlist such as the one available here: # https://github. Read more

November 7, 2021

Introducing: Totally Exchangeable Tokens

NFTs are all the rage these days, but I’m here to tell you about the next big thing. But first, let’s talk about what’s wrong with NFTs. NFTs – Non-Fungible Tokens – give you a way to secure ownership over a hyperlink to an image. That ownership is secured by its being stored in a ledger, and that ledger is decentralised and cryptographically secure. Now, that’s a really exciting prospect, but there are problems. Read more

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